Ramp Insurance Brokers Pvt Ltd is an IRDA licensed Insurance Broker. As Brokers we represent the clients and support them by keeping abreast with the latest developments in the insurance sector and advise/guide them on their needs. Risk management has assumed great importance and becoming more and more inclusive as risks in the modern society grow and we/our companies are exposed to various forms of risk which go much beyond the traditional physical risks like fire-burglary-money etc. and include many financial/fiduciary risks like credit insurance, Directors’& Officers’ Liability insurance, etc.
Catering to the needs of customers directly through our contribution in various aspects of Insurance. Our Services to deal with General Insurance and Life insurance companies as well as to the Customers to find out or select the appropriate product to cover the risk at the best price in the insurance market. At the same time, we are here to support and advice the Customers on how to improve the risk factor so that the premium will be less and to minimize the risk factor and to protect ,in case of any loss&/or damage occurred during the currency of the Policy. We examine the Policy after it is issued by the Insurance Company, whether it was issued properly as per request for quotation sent to the Insurance Company including covers, terms, conditions, warranties etc. so that the issued Policy will safe guard the property /assets of the Customer in case of any loss &/or damage took place during the period of Insurance. Our value added services to the Client by way of analyzing on risk factors, suggestions on risk improvement, preparing of Request for Quotation, obtaining quotation & negotiation with the Insurance Company to finalize the Premium and covers also. Insurance Intermediary facilitates the placement and purchase of Insurance product of Insurance on behalf of Customer on the basis of mandate. We also provide services to Insurance Company and Customers related to General & life Insurance business. We also facilitate negotiations on Price of the product as per requirement of the Customer. We also help, assist and co-operate to the Customer at the time of Claim, if any, by advising the Claim documents &/or other requisite documents which are to be submitted to the Surveyor and Insurance Company for settlement of Claim.
We strive to offer our Customers the lowest possible Prices on the best available products and utmost convenience. At the same time to get the wider Cover to protect the risk factor of the assets/property under the Insurance policy and Customer should get the compensation from the Insurance Company, in case of any loss/damage arises within Policy period due to any perils as mentioned in the Policy itself. Customer may protect the assets and property under the Policy and Insurance Company will make good the loss &/or Compensate to the Customer by way of settlement of Claim due to unforeseen incident as covered under the Policy.
We advice to Customer to select the appropriate Product to protect the risk factors on the subject matter of the Insured (on assets/Property)with a minimum/best Price of the Product/Policy which will help to the Customer in case of claim arises during the period of insurance and Claim will be settled by the Insurance Company. In view of the above services rendered to the Customer by us to make them happy in case of any loss /damage by way of hassle free settlement of claim by the Insurance Company. We can spread the message for awareness of General & life Insurance business amongst the mass to familiarize them with the Insurance Product available in the present market.
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Clients Reviews

Mr. Deepak Gupta

Mr. Ashwini Kumar Mishra

Mr. Sri Prakash Jalan
We have a great history to start our company.
2nd Feb, 2018
Exhibition Planning & Exhibition Management21st Jul, 2018
Growth internationallyfirst half of the 2018s19th Aug, 2018
The purpose of the business plan2nd Jan, 2019
Focus business history on what matters to planning22nd Sep, 2019
History to Unite and Inspire People12th Jan, 2018
Establishment of Alico8th Jul, 2018
Registered as a Insurance company18th Aug, 2018
Construction bought the Greek company Delta27th Sep, 2018
For lean business plans, operational plans, and strategic plans8th Jul, 2019
Award winner
You can depend on us to get a good services