Health Insurance plans secure the medical and surgical expenses of the insured in the event of an injury/ illness. They may be taken by an individual or a group. It is an essential coverage against rising medical costs and to be able to avail quality healthcare services. Personal Accident Insurance policy on the other hand provides monetary compensation to the policyholder in the event of bodily injuries, disability and even death arising from an accident, violent, visible and external event.
Types of Health Insurance
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Mediclaim Policy
Mediclaim Policy provides cover for healthcare expenses incurred by insured in a hospital due to a medical emergency, such as illness or accidents. This policy provides coverage to individuals and their covered family members against expenses such as hospital room/ICU charges, diagnostic charges, medicine and other medical expenses.

Hospital expenses: Expenses incurred due to hospitalization like medicines, oxygen, blood, OT charges, medical tests and diagnosis, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, organ transplantation, etc.
Hospital accommodation expenses: Expenditures towards ICUs are either addressed through cashless hospitalisation feature or are reimbursed by the company.
Day-care hospitalization: Expenditures towards tech-driven medical treatments that do not involve 24-hour hospitalization.
Charges for medical experts: The fees for medical professionals involved during hospitalization like doctor, nurse, etc. are also provided by mediclaim policies.
Hospital lodging expenses: Expenditures towards ICUs are both addressed via cashless hospitalisation feature or are reimbursed via the insurer
Pre and post-hospitalization expenses: Expenses incurred for up to 30-60 days before and till 60-120 days after hospitalization. It may also include medical assistance for emergency services like ambulance, etc.
Factors Determining Premium
Age is a major factor that determines the premium, the older you are the premium cost will be higher because you are more prone to illnesses.
No of Members Included in the floater policy affect the premium
Previous medical history and lifestyle factors are major factors that determine the premium. If no prior medical history exists, premium will automatically be lower.
Claim free years can also be a factor in determining the cost of the premium as it might benefit you with a certain percentage of discount which will reduce your premium.
Critical Illness Policy
Critical Illness Insurance is a type of health insurance plan wherein the insured receives a lump sum amount equal to the sum insured on acquiring a serious ailment like cancer, heart attack, stroke etc. The lump sum payment can cover the hospitalisation and treatment expenses, recuperation expense and any other debt as well. The insured receives the entire sum insured irrespective of the hospitalisation costs.

Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
Kidney Failure
Major Organ Transplantation
Multiple Sclerosis
Factors Determining Premium
Age: A person’s age plays an important role in determining the premium amount. Younger you are, the cheaper your policy will be.
Health Status: High blood pressure, overweight or other medical conditions that can lead to future health problems will lead to higher premiums.
Family History: If any of the family members have a history of serious illness such as heart disease or diabetes then due to heredity you are more likely to get such ailments. In such a situation you may have to pay higher premiums
Coverage Requirements: Opting for more benefits and coverage will require you to pay a higher premium.